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Internet WiFi Radio...


Your Cousin In New Mexxico
WiFi Internet Radio</IFRAME>

10,000 radio stations at the touch of a button

Acoustic Energy’s Wi-Fi radio is the world’s first radio capable of accessing over 99% of internet radio stations broadcast anywhere in the world. Compatibility with all three major streaming formats gives the AE Wi-Fi radio unrivalled choice of content from London’s BBC Radio1 to Sao Paolo’s Radio Calypso! No subscription to pay, no signal coverage problems and no international content boundaries.
This simple plug and play device links to any Wi-Fi network and broadband connection to stream both live and listen again internet radio content. Channels are listed alphabetically and the easy to use multi-function control knob makes choosing a station simpler than an FM radio! The AE Wi-Fi radio brings all the benefits of internet radio to the kitchen, bedroom or even the garden and can also play music stored on any Wi-Fi enabled PC in the home.
Of course AE’s acoustic excellence shines through making the Wi-Fi radio one of the best sounding radios on the market too.
  • <LI class=undefinedundefined>Immediate access to over 4,000 internet radio streams
  • Search by country or genre<LI class=undefinedundefined>Stereo sound from twin AE drivers <LI class=undefinedundefined>Access to the BBC "Listen Again" services <LI class=undefinedundefined>Real Media, MP3 and WMA compatible
  • Play music stored on your PC or Mac
Sunday Times - December 2005 "Some day, all radios will be made this way"
HiFi World - February 2006 "A landmark portable radio, as much for its potential as what it does now."


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Further information