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I-pod Shuffles Ka-put!


Your Cousin In New Mexxico
Death By Blinking LED

Posted Jun 23rd 2006 12:10PM by Grant Robertson
Blink-blink-silence. Alternating amber and green lights can signal the end of your Shuffle according to PC World (and over 500 posts on Apple's support forum).

PC World interviews a student who claims he's on his 5th Shuffle, after 4 failed units (only two of which suffered the blinking lights of death).

Several forum users are upset with Apple over their warranty policies that require owners to cough up $30 for return shipping and handling on Shuffle units over 6 months old. For a device that sells in retail stores for between $99 and $149 and weighs next to nothing, that can seem like a bitter pill.
Death By Blinking LED

Posted Jun 23rd 2006 12:10PM by Grant Robertson
Blink-blink-silence. Alternating amber and green lights can signal the end of your Shuffle according to PC World (and over 500 posts on Apple's support forum).

PC World interviews a student who claims he's on his 5th Shuffle, after 4 failed units (only two of which suffered the blinking lights of death).

Several forum users are upset with Apple over their warranty policies that require owners to cough up $30 for return shipping and handling on Shuffle units over 6 months old. For a device that sells in retail stores for between $99 and $149 and weighs next to nothing, that can seem like a bitter pill.
:smash: :smash:
:smash: :smash:
:smash: :smash:
:smash: :smash:
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Most of the problems can be fixed by resetting it. I've been having problems with mine as well, and resetting it usually does the trick, but it's such a pain in the ass. I'm also having problems with the software crashing when I try to upload music to the Shuffle. Oh, and also, it won't allow me to use the "upload songs randomly" option. What good is a shuffle if you cannot pick songs from your library at random??? Ugh.

From the iPod support site:

These five steps (known as the five Rs) will conquer most iPod issues. http://www.apple.com/support/
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