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We have been dealing with a Sony Vaio laptop were i work. The guy took it to Best Buy Geek Squad and they wiped his hard drive. So we decided just to do an easy format and fresh install. We did not want any of the Sony Vaio applications on it since that wil just bog down the HD. Everything was working fine but none of the hotkeys work.

We have been in contact with Sony over the last few days and there is no easy way to fix this. Got to have application recovery disc, which are not included when you buy the laptop (have to buy them seperately), then just install the hotkeys you have to install ALL of the Sony Vaio crap. There is no download online for the hotkeys driver or anything.

I know alot of friends that have Vaio desktops and all they have are problems with them. So it is now offical that i hate Sony and the Vaio.
Have had nothing but problems with Sony Vaio's at work. I would avoid Sony computers like the plague. Toshiba too...

Yeh, i got a Toshiba laptop for school but the thing sucks. It worked fine and had no problems for about the first few months. After that it was horrible...the thing would overheat all the time. I even bought a coolingpad for the laptop and it still overheats. Never again will i buy a Toshiba. It is HP laptops for me from here on out. And i just build my own PCs.
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