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How is your alumni club...?

Houston is pretty blessed. It helps we don't get the games on normal TV. My parents live in Dayton and have gone to the occassional "watch party" only to find no Bucks in the "official" bar.

For Michigan we have 300+ people show up. Of course, when we play teams like BG we only have 40 or 50 show up.

Better yet, new Buckeyes in Houston always seem to find our website and show up randomly. Met two new people Saturday night. And for some reason, I always seem to have more fun hanging out with other Buckeyes.

Anywho, I was just wondering how other alumni clubs around the nation are?
I can report on two:

In NYC, Blondies, both east and west, are great. They are on the Upper East Side and Upper West Side, respectively Only one of the two is the "official" alumni bar (it used to be west, and is now the east one, IIRC), but both are all Buckeyes. There is also an overflow Buckeye bar next to Blondies East. The bar is pretty good, with decent grub, screens, and beers, and is packed for every game (200 people maybe?). You have to call in at 1:00 pm on the Tuesday before the game to make reservations. If you call at 1:05 pm, you are out of luck. Always hopping.

The best alumni bar experience that I have had was in Atlanta at, I think, "American Pie." I may have the name wrong there. . . I was there for last year's Iowa game, and the bar was packed, they played the fight song and other pump-you-up tunes, they auctioned Michigan tix, etc. Pretty cool. It also has a patio, and it doesn't hurt that the waitresses wear ridiculously short shorts with OSU on the back. . .
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gregorylee;803027; said:

This is the best I could find. . . you'll just have to picture them in OSU garb instead of this blue and white stuff. . .

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I lived in Chicago for a year and a half after school then moved to NYC about 6 months ago. There are literally tons of OSU bars in Chicago. I can name about 5 off the top of my head that all get slammed for every game. I went to blondies in NYC for every game i wasn't at this year. The place is nuts. You have to get a reservation at 100 on tuesday or else you can't get in. They are changing bars for next season though to a much bigger place that won't require reservations.
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