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BTN How did we do? Week 6 Big Ten football predictions revisited

  • Thread starter Brent Yarina, BTN.com
  • Start date

Brent Yarina, BTN.com

How did we do? Week 6 Big Ten football predictions revisited
Brent Yarina, BTN.com Senior Editor via Big Ten Network

Before we turn our attention to Week 7, it’s time to revisit how the BTN.com team, Michigan State beat writer Joe Rexrode and Big Ten fans did with their Week 6 Big Ten game predictions. [ MORE: Week 6 scoreboard | Big Ten standings | Big Ten stats | Video: Jehu Chesson returns opening kick for TD | Video: Braxton Miller highlight grab | Video: Randy Edsall gets passionate ] BTN.com’s Brent Yarina went 7-0 to move into sole possession of first place, while Rexrode, Sean Merriman and Big Ten fans went 6-1. See the updated standings below: Brent Yarina

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