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BTN How did we do? Week 3 Big Ten football predictions revisited

  • Thread starter Brent Yarina, BTN.com
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Brent Yarina, BTN.com

How did we do? Week 3 Big Ten football predictions revisited
Brent Yarina, BTN.com Senior Editor via Big Ten Network

Before we turn our attention to Week 4, it’s time to revisit how the BTN.com team, Iowa beat writer Scott Dochterman and Big Ten fans did with their Week 3 Big Ten predictions. [ MORE: Week 3 scores, stats & recaps | Week 3 picks revisited | Week 3 top performers | Dienhart: About that Minnesota offense | Cardale Jones changes Twitter bio, twice | Get all of our Week 3 coverage ] This week, BTN.com’s Sean Merriman went 12-1, missing only the Western Kentucky-Indiana victor, to pace the group. See the full results below: Brent Yarina (@BTNBrentYarina) 2015 record:

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