I lick windows. What's your point?
High School Teen Accused of Baking Marijuana into Class Project
<TABLE id=GetFullStory1_tblvideo><TBODY><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> 3/23/2006 6am report
By First Coast News Staff
ALACHUA COUNTY, FL -- Police say a 15-year-old on the First Coast baked marijuana into his home economics class project. It happened yesterday at Buchholz High School in Alachua County.
The teacher says she was tipped off about the experiment when another student asked to taste a "chocolate chip" in his cake. The Alachua County Sheriff's Office says the cake tested positive for marijuana.
And in case you don't know what pot looks like in plant form...
High School Teen Accused of Baking Marijuana into Class Project
<TABLE id=GetFullStory1_tblvideo><TBODY><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> 3/23/2006 6am report
By First Coast News Staff
ALACHUA COUNTY, FL -- Police say a 15-year-old on the First Coast baked marijuana into his home economics class project. It happened yesterday at Buchholz High School in Alachua County.
The teacher says she was tipped off about the experiment when another student asked to taste a "chocolate chip" in his cake. The Alachua County Sheriff's Office says the cake tested positive for marijuana.
And in case you don't know what pot looks like in plant form...