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tBBC Highlights: Braxton Miller Dives and Jukes Maryland out of their Shoes

Joe Dexter

Highlights: Braxton Miller Dives and Jukes Maryland out of their Shoes
Joe Dexter
via our good friends at Buckeye Battle Cry
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


Everyone has been waiting for the return of the Braxton. After a stellar performance against Virginia Tech, Braxton Miller has struggled to find his role in the offense and the Ohio State coaching staff has admittedly had a hard time figuring out how to get him the ball more in games.

On Saturday, we saw glimpses of the Braximus we all love.

Including this beautiful catch.

Braxton Miller does his best Superman impression and follows it up with a TD catch! Brought to you by @Hotelsdotcom http://t.co/fFwL2escEH

— Big Ten Network (@BigTenNetwork) October 10, 2015

Miller finished with 79 yards receiving and scored a touchdown directly after making this superman catch.

What else was Mr. B Button doing on Saturday? How about creating his own juke system on the field. This dude isn’t just a video game. He’s creating one in front of us.

Whoa Nellie.

The post Highlights: Braxton Miller Dives and Jukes Maryland out of their Shoes appeared first on The Buckeye Battle Cry: Ohio State News and Commentary.

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