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LGHL Hawaii to wear amazing RAINBOW throwback uniforms vs. Ohio State

Alexis Chassen

Hawaii to wear amazing RAINBOW throwback uniforms vs. Ohio State
Alexis Chassen
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


So good.

The Hawaii Rainbow Warriors will look a little different when they head to The 'Shoe for Ohio State's home opener. Norm Chow's bunch will debut a new road retro/throwback style uniform, courtesy of Under Armour.

The all-white uniform will feature rainbow stripes on the shoulder pads and down the sides of the pants. The top is reminiscent of the kelly green home retro set the team has worn the past two seasons. The uniform will be coupled with a white helmet adorned with green facemasks and a 1980s rainbow logo.

Urban Meyer and the Buckeyes are prepared to face a tough Hawaii team. Here's hoping the Buckeyes answer the call since they appear to already be down a score in the aesthetics end of things.

Here's an introductory video showcasing the look:

And here's a gallery showcasing the entirety of the new jerseys:

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