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Grading the Buckeyes: Offense earns high marks - MyDaytonDailyNews
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Grading the Buckeyes: Offense earns high marks
The turnover problem disappeared. The Buckeyes scored touchdowns in the red zone every time they got a chance. They found a way to play both Cardale Jones and J.T. Barrett. Braxton Miller got the ball and scored. Jalin Marshall scored and didn't fumble.
The Hurry Up: Buckeyes Commitment Visiting This Weekend, Daniels' Decision ...Eleven Warriors
Opinion: Cardale Jones' starting job was given, not earnedOSU - The Lantern
OSU's wait for a blowout could endTroy Daily News
News-Herald.com -Factory Of Sadness -The Sports Quotient
all 17 news articles »

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