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tBBC Friday Night Slights: World Issues, Weakling Society, Andy’s Panty’s and Browns Fans Humor!


Friday Night Slights: World Issues, Weakling Society, Andy’s Panty’s and Browns Fans Humor!
via our good friends at Buckeye Battle Cry
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


We live in a world where tomorrow is truly uncertain to a lot of human beings. The nice thing about having the freedom to say what you want and cut loose on some of these topics is that it is good for the soul! Huge shout-out to those not afraid to express their fears and also to those who help take care of those who cannot care for themselves. Special thank you to Sr. and Charles for wearing their hearts on their sleeves!

NO WAY PART II You mean wide open borders isn't a good thing and people may lie about who they are?? https://t.co/fdEP0IGnMk

— Kirk Barton (@Kirk_Barton) November 15, 2015

Staff Slights


Don't forget about the woman in the wheel chair! https://t.co/yMtPV2GHT0

— Michael Doty Sr (@MdotySr) November 20, 2015

My slight/challenge this week is to all the people/parents who are thinking of having children or already have them. This world is not getting any easier so stop raising weak kids who grow up into adults with no understanding (or the ability to apply to themselves) the words integrity, dedication, respect, loyalty and the ability to stand up for oneself.

We are turning into a society of weaklings and it’s becoming unbearable. Most of us won’t be around when it gets really bad but I am thankful my kids have been taught to be “thick skinned” and leaders as nothing will come easy for them going forward.

This has been an ongoing problem for the last 20 years or so and just continues to escalate. This generation is what I call “the generation of entitlement” and my generation is “the generation of enablers” and it needs to stop. We need to toughen up as a nation but of course that starts at home. For those that think otherwise, I do not align myself with any political party so this soapbox dance I’m doing is from a self thinking individual.

Thanks for reading this rant of mine and if it offends anyone, I really do not care!
Joe – Is there anything more embarrassing than being associated with an idiot that thinks he can make fun of anything behind his keyboard? We live in an era now, where this is commonplace. Especially in the sports realm.

One day two weeks ago, all you could hear on twitter is just how bad of a woman Ronda Rousey is. The next minute, we have donned her the biggest hyped up joke to ever fight.

My problem isn’t with the people that want to judge her fighting style, or the way she was knocked out. It’s not that I’m supporting Ronda and her decision to jump Holly Holm at the weigh-ins or that I believe she wasn’t a little bit ahead of the MMA curve.

But if you’re the keyboard smashin’ramen noodle wearing beer belly that gets behind your keyboard and throws cruel comments that have nothing to do with performance, you are the same enabler that probably gave you such a hard time in life that it forced you behind the keyboard and keeps you disconnected from the real world.

With fear in every bone if you even tried to face it.

By throwing evil hatred at Ronda, all you’re doing is proving that there is a male condition to oppress women that are higher on the food chain we call success. You’re are painting a pioneer in the corner and taking everything she’s ever done for the sport and taking credit for it.

Anything you type or meme will never carry the weight of what Rousey has done for the sport of MMA, young women across the world, and for the equality of men and women in the workforce.

Loss or not, she will always be better than you at what she does. You wanna know why?

All you have in this world is the happiness that comes with seeing those who’ve had the utmost success — fail in one singular moment.

Unlike you, the keyboard smashing monster who feeds off negative energy — Ronda will once again rise to the top.

Poor MSU Defense. Zeke can tame the beast but they have zero chance of taming the beast in OSU's backfield https://t.co/IJPSzQFtdB

— Joe Dexter (@BuckeyeRadio) November 20, 2015

Scott – Andy Dalton needs to grow up. Boo hoo. JJ Watt said mean things. It was true. It was funny. Play better next time.
JC – The Cowboys getting their butts handed to them …. I love it …. The Ravens too ….I love it … if only the Steelers would have a meltdown too then all would be great in football heaven since my Bengals are rolling. And how about Holly Holm, huh? Also stand tall for France!

Pettine and Farmer need fired immediately

— Michael the Fan (@CWGBuckeyes35) November 15, 2015

Cleveland Browns fans. Need I say more?
Charles – Those who are using the recent tragedies to further a political agenda of excluding refugees and others not like them need to stop. We can’t stop terrorism with more hate and anger, that is not how you get people to stop hating the west and by excluding people from our country and society we are playing right into the hands of ISIS and others like them.

On the sports side, all the fake controversy over comments and celebrations by players.
WVa – Straying away from the sports world for a brief second. The cowards of the world who continue to attack innocent and defenseless people, you will get yours.

On a lighter note, being a Bengals fan, I have to give props to all of the Browns fans who are staying behind their team. It’s not easy to continue to support a losing program and us Bengals fans are experts! Some day you will be enjoying a season like we are only to have the rug ripped out from underneath you just as we will!

Fans Slights

Connor Cooks loves spooning #CookConnorCook pic.twitter.com/se1ex8ZCs7

— jaybuckeye74 (@CBJFan92) November 20, 2015

So Espn is trying to sell Jake Rudock as an NFL Quarterback. Because of Harbaugh forget about SEC bias how about Weasel bias LMFAO.

— Brad @ TBU (@bhammer1965) November 14, 2015

#SweetHomeAlabama #RollTide O-H… pic.twitter.com/nvJus2NyzW

— Earn Your Leaves (@BuckeyeEdge) November 18, 2015

Also my secondary "flair" being Penn State is because they play Michigan this week. Before people start asking.

— BuckeyeEmpire (@BuckeyeEmpire) November 18, 2015

Get off the Field Hairball

— Buckeye Nation! (@tf0620) November 15, 2015

The post Friday Night Slights: World Issues, Weakling Society, Andy’s Panty’s and Browns Fans Humor! appeared first on The Buckeye Battle Cry: Ohio State News and Commentary.

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