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tBBC Friday Night Slights: USC Dumpster Fire, MLB Playoffs, National Media


Friday Night Slights: USC Dumpster Fire, MLB Playoffs, National Media
via our good friends at Buckeye Battle Cry
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Every Week, WVaBuckeye gathers the sports slights of the Buckeye Battle Cry Staff and puts them all in one place for your reading enjoyment. This week, the gang focuses in on the recent firings in college football, the situations coaches have put opposing teams into, the national media college football narrative, and the MLB playoffs.

Without further ado, here is this week’s tBBC Friday Night Slights.

DotySr – My slight this week goes out to the Los Angeles Dodgers and there $310,000,000 plus payroll. Everyone talks about the Yankees buying championships but it’s not always that easy. Yeah, they made the playoffs but the fact that there payroll is more than the Cubs and Mets combined proves my point and gives me a chuckle.

Developing young talent while using free agency as a tool to build around the youth of your team (need veteran leadership) usually works best. I will admit I do feel bad for Donnie “Baseball” Mattingly (yes I am a Yankee Fan), I could not be happier for the Dodger owners which includes the face of the franchise Magic Johnson while feeling for the fans.Talk about underachieving and giving fans the ultimate championship illusion of course the fans do get the benefit of inflated tickets prices and a Dodger Dog for $7.50.

Joe – Has anyone noticed how fast the national media has jumped off the Ohio State bandwagon this season? Did you witness the monstrosity of Mark May and Robert Smith both putting Michigan in their final four despite the Wolverines having one loss on the season?

I’m so sick of the double standard. It’s Okay for Michigan to lose to Utah, who may or may not be a playoff contender, but the moment Ohio State makes one mistake in a game — it’s time to write them off into the sunset of championship existence.

Look guys, I get it. Clay Travis doesn’t have enough high quality content to garner readers at Fox Sports, so he has to rank Ohio State 10th in his recent rankings because, “he had to pick somebody.”

I understand that That Team Up North has a really good team. My disdain for this topic has nothing to do with that program.

What ever happened to championship resolve? The National narrative is all about pushing how good you are this week to convince fans into believing that the best teams in the country are on their network.

Never in the history of college football has the average college football analyst thought out loud throughout a season that 25 different teams have a chance at winning a national title. The bottom line is, this approach to producing content is lazy, predictable, and takes away any type of credibility.

By the way, be ready for these same analysts to reach back out for their Ohio State flotation devices once the Buckeyes sink Penn State. Once they get aboard, they’ll also set their anchors like they never left the deck.

Ken – This is probably “Coaches’ Week” for our Slights. I have two nominations. The first is a mixture of Slight and sympathy – The sordid Steve Sarkisian Saga at Southern Cal. The USC Athletic Director, Pat Haden gets honorable mention for his handling of this extended drama. My second nomination is Bret “Bert” Bielema of Arkansas. Against Alabama, he took the field, allegedly was puch by a ‘Bama player, flopped (for dramatic effect), then did a celebratory Happy Dance when the ‘Bama played was flagged. Bert was a jackass at Wisconsin, is a jackass at Arkansas, and will be a jackass throughout his life.

Scott – Stanford, what are you doing running a trick play up 18 points late in the third quarter? It was a three possession game, in which you were completely dominating. Is a long pass on a reverse the classy thing to do? Nope. And as for the catch. Yes, the catch of the year. But let’s add the word “lucky” to that equation.

JC – There is so much I’d love to rant about this week in the world of Sports. There’s the whole USC pollution. The Maryland players trash talking after a convincing defeat. The Tom Brady “gets” angry headlines (Who cares!). Even the cry-baby Mets fans about Utley’s hard slide. But I will stay on my # 1 tirade – TTUN. With their climb up the polls after their “surprising” and sound victory over Northwestern the pollsters and unprincipled mutants in the world we call “the press” seem to be lactating over the resurgence of The Program in Ann Arbor. They lost to Utah – a better team! They beat: OR ST, UNLV, BYU, Maryland, and “surprisingly” N’Western. Whoopty-doo! I have never imagined in my life – EVER – that I’d say this – GO SPARTANS! Hush these Randy Quaid wannabes. And allow the false prophecy of Jimbo to come to a screeching realization that “…NOT NOW!” is in fact in the cards.

WVa – Where to begin. I think first and foremost I will agree with JC! The soap box I will climb on has to do with the media in this world that truly thinks that they have a say in how people vote or even have an impact on them. I honestly couldn’t care less about Heather Dinch’s opinions regarding who the best team in the B1G is and would appreciate fans more who ignore her!

The post Friday Night Slights: USC Dumpster Fire, MLB Playoffs, National Media appeared first on The Buckeye Battle Cry: Ohio State News and Commentary.

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