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BTN Four Big Ten football teams ranked in latest Coaches Poll

  • Thread starter Brent Yarina, BTN.com
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Brent Yarina, BTN.com

Four Big Ten football teams ranked in latest Coaches Poll
Brent Yarina, BTN.com Senior Editor via Big Ten Network

Four Big Ten teams are ranked in the latest Amway Coaches Poll, released Sunday, headlined by No. 1 Ohio State. [ MORE: Best of Week 7 | Week 7 scoreboard | Week 7 picks revisited | Week 7 top performers | What our expert learned | Dienhart: The Mitten State rivalry is back | Twitter: Former Spartans react to winning play | Watch Dantonio, Harbaugh talk wild win | Watch Rutgers win on walk-off FG | Photo: Braxton Miller jersey mix-up | Big Ten standings | Big Ten stats ] The Buckeyes, No. 1 for the ninth straight week, including

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