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LGHL Former Ohio State TE Jake Stoneburner's first career NFL catch is a TD

Luke Zimmermann

Former Ohio State TE Jake Stoneburner's first career NFL catch is a TD
Luke Zimmermann
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
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Go Bucks.

Jake Stoneburner's road to the NFL hasn't been an orthodox one.

After starting two seasons ago on the Green Bay Packers' practice squad, he was promoted to the main roster for the team's final nine games. Last year saw him and the Packers part ways and ultimately he signed in October for the Miami Dolphins' practice squad.

Though he didn't start the 2015 NFL season on the active roster, this past Monday, the Dolphins bumped him up to the active roster. And late Sunday afternoon, he made it all worthwhile.

Stoneburner's first ever NFL catch was a touchdown, helping Miami level their in-state rival Jacksonville Jaguars.

Another great career moment for the Columbus area native and Ohio State product.

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