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LGHL Former Ohio State players make their NFL regular season debuts

Alexis Chassen

Former Ohio State players make their NFL regular season debuts
Alexis Chassen
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
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Week 1 was filled with injuries and highlight reel moments.

The NFL regular season is in full effect, and former Ohio State players have taken their place in several starting line-up spots in Week 1. The offseason was eventful for many Buckeyes with trades and free agency, and as they get into a rhythm with their new team, could make big impacts as the season goes on.

Coaches and fans alike are patiently waiting for injured Buckeyes to make their way back into the lineup, including Devin Smith (Jets) and Daniel 'Boom' Herron (Colts). Four other Buckeyes are on injured reserve lists and five are on practice squads.

Starting off the season, the Pittsburgh Steelers took on the New England Patriots for Thursday Night Football, and there is nothing sweeter than hearing "THE Ohio State University" three times during the starting defense introductions.

Steelers defense

There seems to be a steady pipeline from the Ohio State defense to Pittsburgh; several former Buckeyes had a good showing during the season-opener. Will Allen made the start at safety and had a great sack on Tom Brady; unfortunately, Allen was sidelined with a possible concussion and could miss a couple of weeks.

Ryan Shazier had seven tackles with two for a loss and Cam Heyward had four tackles.

Carolina offense

Ted Ginn Jr. made his return to the Panthers offense, and had an inconsistent performance. He had two receptions for 54 yards, one for 37 yards, but he also had a dropped pass on what could have been a touchdown. Corey 'Philly' Brown, who was plagued by drops in the preseason, was able to hold on to the ball for two receptions for 13 yards.

Plays of the week

Brian Hartline

Hartline made his regular season debut in Cleveland and despite only two catches, one of them was an impressive one-handed grab.

Brian Hartline makes a crazy catch on his knees for the Browns. http://t.co/yk4Uw3Z2Lf pic.twitter.com/kk3MQA7Ox5

— SB Nation NFL (@SBNationNFL) September 13, 2015
Bradley Roby

The former Buckeye got his hands up in front of veteran wide receiver Steve Smith in Sunday's Broncos-Ravens game, for a game-winning play.

Steve Smith had a potential game-winning TD bounce off his face http://t.co/Y6P1NHlPWV pic.twitter.com/DLkEqzNoP5

— SB Nation NFL (@SBNationNFL) September 14, 2015
Other news

Wide receiver Evan Spencer agreed to an injury settlement with Washington following a concussion during the preseason, and is now a free agent. After a slew of injuries in Week 1 around the league, Spencer could still find himself on a team's roster once he's cleared.

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