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Google Five-star OSU recruit visited UM for 'impressive' win - Detroit Free Press

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Five-star OSU recruit visited UM for 'impressive' win - Detroit Free Press
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Five-star OSU recruit visited UM for 'impressive' win
Detroit Free Press
20 overall prospect and top running back in the nation is verbally committed to bitter rival Ohio State. The 6-foot, 208-pound Walker picked the Buckeyes during halftime of their national title win over Oregon in January, and his trip to Ann Arbor was ...
It Sure Looks Like Ohio State and Michigan's Assistant Coaches Are Subtweeting ...Eleven Warriors
Kareem Walker visiting others, so Ohio State to host Wisconsin commit Antonio ...cleveland.com
B1G mailbag: Can Michigan win out before OSU? Is Iowa legit?ESPN (blog)
Chicago Tribune -USA TODAY High School Sports
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