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BTN Eight Big Ten men’s hoops programs land on CBSSports.com’s map

  • Thread starter Brent Yarina, BTN.com
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Brent Yarina, BTN.com

Eight Big Ten men’s hoops programs land on CBSSports.com’s map
Brent Yarina, BTN.com Senior Editor via Big Ten Network

If there’s one thing fans like during the offseason, it’s maps that select the best college program in every state. CBSSports.com published its map of the top men’s basketball program in each state Wednesday, and several Big Ten teams were recognized. The Big Ten, which includes 11 states, featured eight winners, most of them pretty obvious: Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan State, Minnesota, Nebraska, Ohio State and Wisconsin. See what CBSSports says about these eight programs. That leaves Iowa, Michigan, Northwestern, Penn State, Purdue and Rutgers as Big Ten programs left off this list. Biggest snub of the group? That’s difficult,

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