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eDonkey Shut Down, Operator Arrested


I give up. This board is too hard to understand.

eDonkey Shut Down, Operator Arrested

The eDonkey P2P network was shut down by a combination of Swiss and Belgian police. The MPAA said it was used primarily for trading stolen copyrighted works. In 2005 eDonkey had approximately 3 million users.

This morning Swiss police arrested the site's operator at his home. Meanwhile Belgian police seized the computers that hosted eDonkey in Zaventem located near Brussels.

When the music and movie industry bust one network users easily move to another network, so this may be considered a shallow victory by some.
I've also heard lately that the MPAA and RIAA have been after the very well known torrent sites torrentspy and isohunt. Hopefully those guys fight back because that would be a huge loss to the torrent community. Although it would be temporary because with the loss of those two sites four more will blossom. Same thing happened with Supernova a few years ago. But I know that eDonkey has been a target for a while now. So it isn't surprising that something like this finally happened.
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