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Digital Amplifiers-Nuforce,etc


Your Cousin In New Mexxico
Wife finally got her wish and I sold my old motorcycle. That's the bad news.
The good news is I had some cash to spend so I went for a stereo upgrade.
I'm a a 2-channel, stereo guy, so I updated my integrated amplifier to the latest technology. A Nuforce integrated amplifier!
This puppy is a analog switching amplifier(D class). It's only 8.5 x 16 inches! And an 1 inch and a half tall! Tiny.
It weighs a paper light 6 pounds.
This is a 50 watt amp with mucho bass! Very detailed and open sounding. But, not harsh sounding at all.
I can't adequately convey how amazing this little guy is.
Beautiful build quality. The amp body is a solid aluminum extrusion.
The company, Nuforce, is an off shoot of a bigger military industrial electronics company, Nhysics Inc..
The designer of this amp worked heavily on the US cruise missile program.
I will post pictures of my tiny stereo system, later.
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