Both LJ and Knowles need to go IMO, sure the DL play has been pretty lacking in the pass rush department ever since Chase Left, but the defensive struggles can't be all summed up to DLine problems which undoubtedly exist. I still don't trust what Knowles is trying to do here, we need those 4-3 tough as nails keep everyone in front of you defenses that characterize Buckeye football. That bend but don't break yet you can't help but to break that Knowles presents is infuriating. It would be a mistake to keep Knowles and fire LJ, only for next year's results to be the same, to me they both need to go. Also if LJ doesn't want to send pressure then Knowles needs to either tell him to fuck off or make changes to the scheme to account for that. Coach Day really needs to talk to them ASAP this high school drama bullshit can't fester any longer.