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CONGRATULATIONS and GO BUCKS from a Wolverine! :-)


Hello Buckeye nation....congrats on a fantastic year!!....you guys are an outstanding football team!!...just outstanding!!....one of the best offenses in recent history...and Troy Smith is absolutely unbelievable!!....over 1000 yds!! now in 3 wins against my beloved Michigan!...just phenomenal....believe me the Wolverine nation can't wait for him to graduate!!!! :-)

We would have loved to play you guys again for it all - on a neutral field this time! :-) - and have the eyes of the nation on the greatest rivalry in all of sports!!....but alas it was not to be....the idiotic voting powers that be made ridiculous value judgments about who 'deserves' whatever and who 'should or should not' do this or that instead of just voting for who is clearly the 2nd best team in the nation. They undoubtedly voted against a rematch instead of for the #2 team....so all we Wolverines have got to say now is:

GO BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fight those SEC posers across the field,
Show them the definition of Big Ten power and that Ohio owns the desert
Set the Florida swamps reverberating with a mighty cheer
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Hit them hard and see how they whine...and whine...and whine;
Never let that team get the ball
Hail! Hail! The gang's all here,
So please beat the @#$% out of those @#$%!&? Gators now!


All I can tell you guys is that I will never root for a football team to win a football game MORE than I'll passionately root for your beloved OSU when they play Wiener and those Gator posers?...I may even wear scarlet and gray all day!!!! :-) Please wipe that smirk off arrogant Urban's face and destroy them by 50!!!!!!!!!!!

GO BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....and we'll see you in Ann Arbor next year for the rightful rematch between the real #1 & #2 in the greatest of all sporting events.....without Troy Smith thank god! :-)

Happy Holidays and all the best!!!!
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Consider it done.
Thanks for your post, it was well said.
I wish you well in your bowl game also as we all want the big ten to out do the other conferences.
Have a happy holiday(s) to you and your family
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I realize I have the advantage of being on the Buckeye side, but were our roles reversed, I as well would have wanted Michigan to go forth and slay the dragon for the Big 10.

Kudos, man, and good luck at the Rose Bowl!
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All I can say is... um, wow. I don't think I could put that much vigor into a post wishing TSUN luck in their bowl game. Don't even know any of the words to the scUM fight song.... (well not the way they sing it anyways.) :biggrin:
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