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I give up. This board is too hard to understand.
One of my computers seems to have crashed (yes... technical term, I know). I start it up and I get the message that it shut down unexpectedly and I should choose which mode I want to start up in... Safe Mode, Normal Windows Mode, Safe Mode with networking. It doesn't matter what I choose I end up back at that screen after it tries to boot. I can press F1 and get to the BIOS area but I have no clue about DOS and don't want to touch anything.... I figure I need the XP boot disk... but I don't have it. I may have it I just don't know where it is.

any ideas from the computer guru's here :)
Try this

I usually try to reinstall Windows at that point, but that probably doesn't help you much.
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Well if you can't boot to safe mode with command prompt then you can't run a chkdsk /r...you really need a boot disk so you can attempt to repair the windows installation. Even if you have a boot disk from another OS you might be able to hunt down a command prompt option to run checkdisk.

What if Windows is on D:, E: or even Z:??? :wink:
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Sorry no one has been any help.
What were you doing before it shut down or crashed the last time? Did you just install some software?

XP really does not have a boot disk, it has the CD.

Did you establish a recovery point anytime in the past?

Maybe a little more detail and some of the others can help.
I assume you have another computer to work with?
There are some thing you can download that may help you out. Does the good PC have a CD burner?
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Sorry no one has been any help.
What were you doing before it shut down or crashed the last time? Did you just install some software?

XP really does not have a boot disk, it has the CD.

Did you establish a recovery point anytime in the past?

Maybe a little more detail and some of the others can help.
I assume you have another computer to work with?
There are some thing you can download that may help you out. Does the good PC have a CD burner?

it's our old PC that we usually have running in the corner for the kids to use... my wife said she just walked over and saw the blue screen of death and pulled the plug.... the kids are only 3 1/2 so they usually just spell and do math in Word.... I have no idea what they were doing on it when something happened.

I'm sure there's a recovery point but I have no idea when the last one was established.

Yep... I'm on on our main PC now and it does have a burner.

and thanks hawg... I'll give it a "shot" if I need to. I already tried yelling and swearing at it but it still won't turn on... I thought I had it when I stood back and gave it the finger but still nothing :p
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Like I said earlier and everybody continues to reiterate, you first step is to find a way to run chkdsk /r in the command prompt. In order to reach the command prompt you can use a w\Windows XP cd or a boot disk which can be created easily fromm your other computer by inserting a disk into the A: and right click and format one.

If checkdisk doesn't work then you need to repair your Windows installation using the XP cd or perform a system restore to your most recent point, although the system restore may not fix the problem. I have seen this problem a million times and these are your only solutions unfortunately.

Good luck
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The problem is I can't get to a prompt.... I found the XP cd and put it in.... it told me that the file that is causing the problems is ntfs.sys and then it says PAGE_FAULT_NONPAGED_AREA.

I hit F8 to go through the ADVANCED START UP OPTION (like it said) and tried to select safe mode but it just keeps restarting and I'm back to where I started. No other start up options worked. I can reformat it but I really don't want to.....

but... if I have to reformat... I installed a 2nd hard drive on it and that's where I keep all our pictures and things like that... is that safe if I have to reinstall Windows?
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A lot of times that's a problem with RAM. If you have more than one stick in there, take one out and try it, if no good, try it with the other. Or find some good known RAM and see if that works.

Windows will only format the system (C:) partition. The second drive along with any other partitions on the primary drive should be untouched.
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The problem is I can't get to a prompt.... I found the XP cd and put it in.... it told me that the file that is causing the problems is ntfs.sys and then it says PAGE_FAULT_NONPAGED_AREA.

I hit F8 to go through the ADVANCED START UP OPTION (like it said) and tried to select safe mode but it just keeps restarting and I'm back to where I started. No other start up options worked. I can reformat it but I really don't want to.....

but... if I have to reformat... I installed a 2nd hard drive on it and that's where I keep all our pictures and things like that... is that safe if I have to reinstall Windows?

Your error concerns me now. NTFS is your computer's filing system and...well if it's messed up then...I'm going to PM you
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