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Everybody is somebody else's weirdo.

Colorado State coach Jay Norvell accuses Ole Miss, Texas A&M of tampering with star WR Tory Horton

Jay Norvell called out several Power Four programs for trying to poach his star players.​


College football coaches are becoming increasingly vocal in directly calling out tampering as the issue remains persistent in the transfer portal era. Colorado State head coach Jay Norvell most recently accused two SEC programs of trying to poach star wide receiver Tory Horton, who is one of the top returning players in the country at that position in 2024.

"I've had every team in America try to take Tory Horton from us," Norvell said this week at Mountain West Media Days. "From Texas A&M to Ole Miss, I mean, they've all been on him."

Tampering is prohibited under NCAA regulations, but the lack of enforcement against power programs is a growing concern. Norvell discussed the challenge Group of Five schools face in keeping top players from entering the transfer portal and leaving for opportunities at Power Four programs.

"If our elite players can stay in this conference, we can send a lot of really good players to the National Football League," Norvell continued. "Like I said, because of the way we recruit — we're recruiting NFL players. We're fighting like hell to keep them at our school for the next four years. If we can do that, we're gonna be pretty good. But that's the challenge. I think the running back at Boise (State), I think Tory Horton, those guys are as good as you want to find in the country at their positions. I really believe that."

Horton ranked 11th nationally in receiving yards per game (94.7) last season. He caught 96 passes for 1,136 yards and eight touchdowns for Colorado State. Horton led the Mountain West in receptions and finished second in yards receiving.

Norvell also mentioned Colorado State quarterback Brayden Fowler-Nicolosi received a sizable offer to transfer to a Big 12 school.

"He said a guy from Kansas State called him, offered him $600,000 because they lost their quarterback, if he got in the portal," Norvell said. "And I'm not accusing Kansas State of anything. I'm just telling you what the kid told me. If they don't want their name thrown in it, I think they should probably get a handle on their people. But there's a lot of that going on in college football, and that's just the way things are right now."
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