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LGHL College GameDay's coming to Ohio State-Michigan State

Luke Zimmermann

College GameDay's coming to Ohio State-Michigan State
Luke Zimmermann
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here



Ohio State-Michigan State is setup to be one of the biggest games of the Big Ten regular season.

The Buckeyes enter the true elimination portion of their schedule, having weathered a not exactly murderer's row with no real slip ups. MSU's unfortunate loss to Nebraska makes their road tougher, but a win over OSU would reboot their College Football Playoff hopes in a hurry.

And now ESPN's famed College GameDay will be there.

For the first time in a surprisingly long time (5 years!), Rece Davis, former Buckeye QB Kirk Herbsreit, and of course the coach Lee Corso will be there. Will Corso don a Brutus head like he has so many other times?

Stay tuned:

Hey @OhioStAthletics, we're coming to Columbus. See you in a week. pic.twitter.com/E6Z9fQtPT6

— College GameDay (@CollegeGameDay) November 15, 2015

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