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LGHL College football rankings: Ohio State still near unanimous in Coaches Poll Top after sloppy...

Harry Lyles Jr.

College football rankings: Ohio State still near unanimous in Coaches Poll Top after sloppy game with NIU
Harry Lyles Jr.
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


After another lackluster performance by the Buckeyes, they continue to look vulnerable.

After a narrow 20-13 victory over Northern Illinois in the 'Shoe last week, Ohio State remained at No. 1 in the latest Amway Coaches Poll. Although still atop the poll, the Buckeyes still only lost first place votes to Michigan State, who received 3 out of 64 possible votes. Ole Miss jumped from No. 11 to No. 5 after defeating Alabama, who fell to No. 12.

USC dropped to No. 18 after losing at home to Stanford. LSU moved up to No. 9 after Leonard Fournette lead the way on the ground against Auburn, who dropped down the rankings after two straight poor performances but is inexplicably somehow still ranked at number 25. UCLA found themselves at No. 11 after slowing down the Hail Mary magic of BYU, who dropped out of the poll.

Stanford was the only newcomer to the poll at No. 24.

Here is your complete Coaches Poll:

Coaches Massey
1 Ohio State (61) Ohio State
2 TCU Alabama
3 Michigan State (3) Georgia
4 Baylor Ole Miss
5 Ole Miss Michigan State
6 Georgia TCU
7 Florida State Baylor
8 Notre Dame Florida State
10 Clemson LSU
11 UCLA Notre Dame
12 Alabama Georgia Tech
13 Oregon Clemson
14 Oklahoma Oklahoma
15 Texas A&M Texas A&M
16 Arizona Oregon
17 Utah USC
18 USC Stanford
19 Northwestern Arizona
20 Georgia Tech Utah
21 Wisconsin Wisconsin
22 Oklahoma State Northwestern
23 Missouri Kansas State
24 Stanford BYU
25 Auburn West Virginia

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