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LGHL College football rankings: Ohio State remains atop Coaches Poll

Harry Lyles Jr.

College football rankings: Ohio State remains atop Coaches Poll
Harry Lyles Jr.
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


The Buckeyes hold their top spot in the rankings for another week.

The Ohio State Buckeyes remained the top team in the latest Amway Coaches Poll for Week 7. The Buckeyes beat Maryland convincingly this weekend, 49-28. The Buckeyes received 47 of 63 first place votes in the poll.

Baylor jumped TCU for the No. 2 spot, with TCU at No. 3 and Michigan State at No. 4. Oklahoma dropped down to No. 19 after being upset against Texas in the Red River rivalry. Northwestern dropped to No. 21 after losing 38-0 to Michigan, who leaped to No. 14, up seven spots from last week's poll. Oklahoma State also saw a good jump, up four spots to No. 15. Iowa jumped six spots to No. 17.

Georgia and Cal both dropped out of the poll after suffering in-conference losses Saturday. USC also fell out of the poll after suffering a loss at home to Washington. Newcomers to the poll include Duke at No. 24 and Toledo at No. 25.

The complete poll will be posted here shortly.

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