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BTN Clothes Call: Hawaii to wear throwback uniforms vs. Ohio State

  • Thread starter Sean Merriman, BTN.com
  • Start date

Sean Merriman, BTN.com

Clothes Call: Hawaii to wear throwback uniforms vs. Ohio State
Sean Merriman, BTN.com web editor via Big Ten Network

After an impressive Week 1 victory over Virginia Tech, Urban Meyer will make sure the Buckeyes don’t look past their Week 2 opponent — Hawaii. Well, the Buckeyes might struggle looking past the uniforms the Rainbow Warriors will be wearing when they travel to Columbus on Saturday. Hawaii Football’s official Twitter handle, @HawaiiFootball, tweeted out a photo of the throwback uniforms they will be wearing on Saturday against the Buckeyes. Check out the photo on top of this post to see the uniforms. They are certainly loud, but hard not to love at first glance. Here is another look at

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