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BTN Cam Heyward to be fined, again, for putting ‘Iron Head’ on eye black

  • Thread starter Brent Yarina, BTN.com
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Brent Yarina, BTN.com

Cam Heyward to be fined, again, for putting ‘Iron Head’ on eye black
Brent Yarina, BTN.com Senior Editor via Big Ten Network

Former Ohio State defensive lineman Cam Heyward doesn’t care about the money. He just wants to honor his late father and support the fight against cancer. For the second consecutive week, the NFL is expected to fine Heyward for putting “Iron Head,” his father’s nickname on his eye black. Heyward was fined $5,700 for wearing the message on his eye black on Monday night, and today’s second offense figures to result in a fine of more than $11,000. Heyward’s father, Craig, who played 11 NFL seasons, died in 2006 after a battle with cancer. Like the first fine, this won’t

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