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C.J. Barnett (Director of Player Development)


Barnett heads strong Ohio DB class

By Bill Conley
Scouts Inc.

Updated: October 14, 2008

Ohio traditionally attracts college recruiters from across the nation looking for tough linemen and physical linebackers. Periodically, a handful of skilled athletes will emerge in the Buckeye State and grab the attention of college football programs. The 2009 class is just one of those years, and the secondary is where much of the talent can be found.

Probably the most versatile of the safeties is Jamie Wood (Pickerington, Ohio/Central), a triple threat as a defensive back, special teams standout and offensive skilled athlete. Isaiah Bell (Youngstown, Ohio/Liberty) is the most physically-impressive safety in the state as he roams the secondary with his 210-pound frame and excellent ball skills. Tennessee-bound safety D.J. Hunter (Middletown, Ohio) could very well end up as a corner for the Volunteers due to his exceptional man-to-man coverage skills.

The defensive line position is also strong with Under Armour All-American DE Melvin Fellows (Cleveland/Garfield Heights) and DT John Simon (Youngstown, Ohio/Cardinal Mooney).

Top recruit

C.J. Barnett, cornerback

C.J. Barnett ranks as the nation's No. 5 cornerback prospect.

Northmont (Clayton, Ohio)
Verbal commitment: Ohio State

This future Buckeye is a smooth, fluid defensive back who is tall for a corner at 6-foot-1. He uses his long arms effectively in press coverage to jam and re-route receivers. He has transitional quickness and can run with wide outs stride for stride when playing man coverage.

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ESPN - Corner position putting less emphasis on man skills - Football Recruiting

Best run-support skills

What Scouts Inc. looks for: With Cover 2 being so prevalent, run support is becoming more of a factor for today's corners. Being big, strong and having the ability to outmuscle receivers on the stalk-block is imperative. A player must be physical and a strong tackler. Explosion plant, drive skill and closing burst are key attributes.

3. C.J. Barnett (Clayton, Ohio/Northmont)

Barnett has impressive size and physicality while still showing the hip-fluidity needed to mirror quicker ball carriers in space. He fills hard and quickly on the perimeter with explosive plant and drive skill. The future Buckeye does a great job setting the edge and forcing the run inside with his strong frame. Barnett is a very aggressive, collision tackler who sells out his body for the big hit. The Ohio native is a true Cover 2 corner.
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RB07OSU;1376748; said:
That's what I saw too. Great physical presence and tools, but struggles in man coverage. He has range though, so safety is always an option. However, I saw he had some nice coverage on a deep ball early on in the UA game.

Yeah he was beat a little bit, but had the ability to recover and get to the ball...

I think that Barnett is going to improve a lot with a redshirt year, or at least the first year of coaching...He has the tools, but right now just needs a little bit of coaching to get better at the position...

Also with Brown and Green there is the possibility that he ends up at safety and we are ok...
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crazybuckfan40;1376776; said:
Yeah he was beat a little bit, but had the ability to recover and get to the ball...

I think that Barnett is going to improve a lot with a redshirt year, or at least the first year of coaching...He has the tools, but right now just needs a little bit of coaching to get better at the position...

Also with Brown and Green there is the possibility that he ends up at safety and we are ok...

Yeah, I'm not worried at all. He just didn't look comfortable at corner. He'll be a beast somewhere in the defensive backfield. I like the idea of Green and Brown/Clarke at corner, with Barnett and Wood at safety though.
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I kinda got blasted for this earlier (page 2 of this thread), but his film still reminds me a whole lot of Northmont alumni Kurt Coleman (rather than Malcolm Jenkins like most folks). Not a knock, by any means. Corey Brown reminds me more of Jenkins than Barnett.

This DB class has the potential to be one for the ages.
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