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C Aaron Bradshaw (Official Thread)

Ohio State incoming transfer Aaron Bradshaw projected for 2025 NBA Draft lottery

Ohio State incoming freshman center Aaron Bradshaw is projected as a 2025 NBA Draft lottery pick.​

Aaron Bradshaw has not played a minute of basketball at Ohio State yet, but the 7-foot Kentucky transfer is already on the NBA draft radar for 2025.

CBSSports.com's Gary Parrish came out with his Way Too Early 2025 NBA Mock Draft on Friday. He had Bradshaw listed as his No. 14 pick, going to the New Orleans Pelicans.

Here is what Parrish had to say about Bradshaw:

"Bradshaw was a top-five prospect in the Class of 2023 whose freshman year at Kentucky didn't go so well. He only averaged 4.9 points and 3.3 rebounds in 13.8 minutes per game after missing much of the preseason and first month of the season with an injury. That was disappointing. But the former McDonald's All-American is still a 7-foot athlete with real stretch-big potential and now that he's transferred to Ohio State, I won't be surprised if he does enough next season to again make himself a part of the lottery conversation that he was definitely a part of a year ago.

Aaron Bradshaw (Ohio State)
Bradshaw was a top-five prospect in the Class of 2023 whose freshman year at Kentucky didn't go so well. He only averaged 4.9 points and 3.3 rebounds in 13.8 minutes per game after missing much of the preseason and first month of the season with an injury. That was disappointing. But the former McDonald's All-American is still a 7-foot athlete with real stretch-big potential — and now that he's transferred to Ohio State, I won't be surprised if he does enough next season to again make himself a part of the lottery conversation that he was definitely a part of a year ago. Think Kel'el Ware, who was also a heralded high school prospect who struggled in his first year of college but then transferred and became a top-15 pick.

Just sayin': I sure hope he is that good.
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