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Buckeyes top Mount St. Mary's for Matta's 300th Ohio St. win (Nov 15, 2015) - FOXSports.com
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Buckeyes top Mount St. Mary's for Matta's 300th Ohio St. win (Nov 15, 2015)
''They're a tough matchup because they run good stuff and typically don't turn the ball over,'' Mountaineers coach Jamion Christian said of the Buckeyes. ''They're very secure in what they do; they rebound the ball very well so we knew we weren't ...
Buckeyes top Mount St. Mary's for Matta's 300th Ohio St. winUSA TODAY
Thad Matta gets 300th win at Ohio State in Buckeyes' 76-54 win over Mount St ...cleveland.com
Observations: Buckeyes Win Season OpenerScout

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