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Google Buckeyes pull away from pesky Maryland late, win 49-28 - 247Sports

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Buckeyes pull away from pesky Maryland late, win 49-28 - 247Sports
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Buckeyes pull away from pesky Maryland late, win 49-28
But the top-ranked Buckeyes found other ways to keep the sadsack Terrapins in the game, at one point giving up a 75-yard run to lightly regarded Maryland quarterback Perry Hills. The misplays helped Maryland tie the game at 21-21 in the third quarter.
Buckeyes bad early again but beat TerpsMy Twin Tiers.com
2015 Ohio State vs. Maryland final score, with 3 things to know from OSU's 49 ...Land-Grant Holy Land
Ohio State's offense pulls through in 49-28 win over MarylandOSU - The Lantern

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