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tBBC Buckeyes Go Blue Collar in Win vs Illinois

Michael Smith

Buckeyes Go Blue Collar in Win vs Illinois
Michael Smith
via our good friends at Buckeye Battle Cry
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


(We’re sticking with the ‘Illibuck’ theme for a couple of days. Why not?)

Hello one and all; welcome as I review Ohio State’s win over Illinois from this past Saturday.

Ohio State went into Champaign, IL to take on Illinois and came away with a “work-man-like” 28-3 win over the Fighting Illini, and winning the Illibuck trophy for the 8th straight year.

Ohio State wasn’t flashy on offense in this game. In fact, the play calling was very plain, in my opinion. Either Ohio State didn’t feel like they had to show much or didn’t want to show much against Illinois.

Ohio State ran the ball very well vs Illinois. The offensive line seemed to block very well when Ohio State wanted to run the ball. However, when Ohio State wanted to pass the blocking wasn’t that great. It seemed Ohio State QB J.T. Barrett was running for his life nearly the entire game. Barrett only managed to complete 15 of 23 passes for just 150 yards with 1 TD and 1 INT

Another problem the offense seemed to have was holding onto the ball. Along with Barrett’s INT, Ohio State also had 3 fumbles in the game.

It wasn’t a good day for the officials as well, even the replay official. In the 1st quarter J.T. Barrett seemed to score a touchdown on a QB sneak from the 1 yard line, but the officials on the field ruled he didn’t get in which was upheld on replay. Then later in the game it appeared that Zeke Elliot fumbled and recovered by Illinois, but the officials ruled Elliot down and replay upheld that call as well.

The key offensive play in the game came late in the 2nd quarter. With Ohio State only up 7-3 and facing a 4th and 11 from the Illinois 38, Ohio State decided to roll the dice and go for it. Barrett scrambled 16 yards to the 22 for the 1st down. Ohio State scored a couple plays later to take a 14-3 halftime lead.

The 2nd half belong to Elliott. He had most of his 181 yards (147) and both his TD’s in the 2nd half.

Ohio State just lined up in the 2nd half and told Illinois, “stop this”. I love being able to just run the ball down an opponents throat.

However, Ohio State also left some points on the field. Turnovers and a missed 24 yard FG made the game seem a little closer than it was.

Special teams had a bad day for Ohio State. In addition to Sean Nuernberger missing the 24 FG attempt, punter Cam Johnston seemed to miss an big chance to run for a 1st down while punting. With it 4th down and 1 from their own 41, Johnston bobbled the snap and started to run forward. He ended up punting the ball, but on replay it showed he had at least 20 yards of field in front of him without an Illinois defender anywhere close.

The bright spot was a partially blocked punt by Curtis Samuel which set up Ohio State in good field position.

Ohio State’s defense had a great day. They held Illinois to only 261 yards of total offense and only 20 yards rushing on 25 attempts. Ohio State’s defensive line, led by Joey Bosa, hounded Illinois’ QB Wes Lunt the entire game and completely shut down Illinois’ star RB Joshua Ferguson, who had just 49 yards on 12 carries. Illinois best player on the field seemed to be WR Desmond Cain who had 10 catches for 102 yards in a losing effort.

Illinois did help out though. Illinois FG kicker Taylor Zalewski missed a 50 yard FG and on another FG try had a bad snap forcing a turnover.

The key defensive play of the game came in the 3rd quarter when Illinois had 4th and 1 from Ohio State’s 13 yard line. Illinois was confused on their own play and Ohio State’s defense easily stuffed the run for the turnover on downs. Illinois never drove that deep into Ohio State territory again the rest of the game.

All in all it was a solid blue collar type victory for Ohio State. Nothing too flashy, just a good solid win.

This week we get the Spartans of Michigan State. ESPN Gameday has already booked their show in Columbus. It’ll be a 3:30pm kickoff from the Shoe.

Watch for my preview later this week!

The post Buckeyes Go Blue Collar in Win vs Illinois appeared first on The Buckeye Battle Cry: Ohio State News and Commentary.

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