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Buckeyes defeat Illini 28-3 - FOXSports.com
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Buckeyes defeat Illini 28-3
Nov 14, 2015; Champaign, IL, USA; Illinois Fighting Illini linebacker Tre Watson (33) chases Ohio State Buckeyes running back Ezekiel Elliott (15) at Memorial Stadium. Ohio State beat Illinois 28-3. Mike Granse. AP Nov 16, 2015 at 9:49a ET. 0shares.
Buckeyes seek next gear for tough closing stretchESPN (blog)
Ohio State's kicking problem could keep Buckeyes from their goal: 5 Bill ...cleveland.com
Sorry, haters: Buckeyes are in ideal position to snatch another titleChicago Sun-Times
247Sports -Detroit Free Press -AL.com
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