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tBBC BuckeyeGolf: OSUWG Storms The Desert


BuckeyeGolf: OSUWG Storms The Desert
via our good friends at Buckeye Battle Cry
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


On Monday and Tuesday, the Ohio State Women’s Golf (OSUWG) team teed it up for their inaugural event of the year. They traveled to Albuquerque, NM with the intention of Breaking Par. This is a rather large event with 18 teams participating. This is a three round (54 hole) event. The course is 6,315 yards long and plays to a par 73. The format is ‘play five count four’, where a school fields 5 players, and the low 4 scores for each round are counted. in addition, almost all teams had a 6th player play as an “Individual”.

The five players participating in the team score were: RS junior Zoe Beth Brake, junior Katja Pogacar, junior Jessica Porvasnik, freshman Nikolette Schroeder and RS sophomore Rio Watanabe. The Individual was senior Lina Aquillon.

OSUWG Team. Courtesy OSU Athletic Dept.


The Buckeyes finish in 10th place, with a team total of 896 (+20). As the inaugural event of the season, it was a bit choppy. From a team perspective, the 1st round (+7) wasn’t too bad of an opening round. The 2nd round (+1) was an exceptionally well played round. The 3rd round sort of got away from the Buckeyes. Although they carded 13 birdies and an eagle, there were far too many bogeys and double bogeys to make up any ground.

First Round

The Buckeyes shot a team score of 299 (+7), placing them in 8th position. The Buckeyes were led by Niki Schroeder 73 (E) and Katja Pogacar 73 (E). Jessica Porvasik 76 (+3) and Rio Watanabe 77 (+4) also contributed to the team score.

To show there are different ways to skin a cat (apologies to cat lovers) look no further than Katja’s and Niki’s scorecards. Katja sprinkled in 3 birdies with 3 bogeys among her 12 pars for her even par round. Nothing too exciting, but effective. In contrast, Niki had a bit more color on her scorecard with 4 birdies, 2 bogeys and 1 (ugh) double bogey. A bumpier ride, but still even par.

Lina finished the day at 85 (+12). She was staggered by triple bogeys on holes #1 and #2. With half of her over par strokes on two holes, Lina did a nice job of ‘stabilizing the patient’ to finish the round.

Second Round

For the 2nd round, the Buckeyes improved a bit to shoot a team score of 293 (+1), still placing them in 8th position. The Buckeyes were led by Rio Watanabe 71 (-2) and Zoe-Beth Brake 73 (E). Jessica Porvasik 74 (+1) and Niki Schroeder 75 (+2) also contributed to the team score.

Rio went on an absolute tear, scoring 7 birdies in this round. She began her round with a double bogey 6 on # 6, but birdied three of her final four holes to just blister her round. Zoe-Beth rebounded nicely from her first round struggles to shoot an even par 73. She balanced four birdies with four bogeys to lend some excitement to her round.

Lina had a much better round, shooting 78 (+5). She avoided “big number” holes and had a very nice back nine; shooting a 38 (+1). This was a nice ‘rebound’ round for her.

Third Round

For the 3rd round, the Buckeyes didn’t do as well; shooting a 304 (+12) dropping them to 10th place. The Buckeyes were led by Jessica Porvasik 75 (+2) and Katja Pogacar 75) (+2). Rio Watanabe 77 (+4) and Zoe-Beth Brake 77 (+4) also contributed to the team score.

The potential for scoring was there with the team scoring 13 birdies and an eagle (Zoe-Beth Brake) but 6 double bogeys, an triple bogey and a slew of bogeys undid their fine work.

Lina finished the event with an 80 (+7). She recorded 7 pars and 2 birdies, but just had trouble getting off the “bogey train” with 7 of those rascals.


I know that the team wanted a better finish, but I don’t think was all that bad. This team is an interesting mix of talented upperclassmen (SR Lina Aquillon, RS junior Zoe-Beth Brake, juniors Katja Pogacar and Jessica Porvasnik) and impressive underclassmen (RS sophomore Rio Watanabe, FR Niki Schroeder and Jaclyn Lee). This is a nice blend for Coaches Hession and Strom to develop.

Sifting through the chaff, here is a “what happened” snap-shot. They played the par 3’s very well, scoring an average of 3.07 strokes per hole, a total of +4 to par; good enough to rank 6th. They played the par 5’s to an average of 4.93 per hole (pretty good), a total of -5 to par, ranking 9th. The problem was with the par 4’s. They averaged 4.29 per hole, +39 to par, ranking them 12th.

In terms of “to par” scoring, Ohio State recorded 159 pars (of 270 holes played). That placed them a ‘meh’ 14th. They did record 43 birdies, placing them 6th, and Zoe-Beth’s eagle was one of six recorded for the event. This team is not afraid to “go low” in scoring. The number of birdies and the eagle indicate that. Like anything else, it’s a matter of fine tuning. I know that Coaches Hession and Strom are already working through the data to construct teaching points for this team. This is going to be a fun season.

Finally, I want to congratulate Coach Therese Hession on her upcoming induction into the Ohio State Athletics Hall of Fame this Saturday, September 19th. Well done.

The OSUWG team is back at it next week (September 21-22) in Knoxville, TN for the Mercedes-Benz Collegiate Championship.

Go Buckeyes!

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