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Where's YOUR Gold Pants?
I now have all my 2005 photos up from this football season available at discounted prices. The link provided here will take you to the viewing site. IF you are interested in any of the photos please email me the photo file numbers as the site is for viewing ONLY and NOT ordering.

All proceeds will go towards my pledge to the WHAC renovation project. Feel free to PM me with questions.
Thank You.

EDIT FEB 3rd: Ok, all the albums are now done...with all the photos available! SPECIAL: mention BP and take any 5 photos for $30 with FREE shipping.


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Those pictures are awesome. I have actually seen them first hand at shows. They are one of a kind, so much better in quality than the ones they have had over the past few years.

Man if I wasnt broke I would by them all, Heck even your little signature thing is cool as shit.

You do some fantastic work.:biggrin:
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Heck even your little signature thing is cool as shit.

You do some fantastic work.:biggrin:

Thanks! I take pride in what I do and do my best to put out a product that can not be matched. I incorporated the signature as a personal "brand" and then added the hologram for the ultimate in showcasing professionalism, authenticity, and security. Glad you like them.

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Thanks! I take pride in what I do and do my best to put out a product that can not be matched. I incorporated the signature as a personal "brand" and then added the hologram for the ultimate in showcasing professionalism, authenticity, and security. Glad you like them.


Yeah, yeah...but can you drink two pitchers of hefeweisen? :biggrin:
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BP Special if you order by Feb 19th

This is the type of quality you can expect from my photos!


Any 5 photos from the site for $30 (includes shipping). This is a heck of a deal and remember all the "kala" ($$$) is going to the WHAC Renovation as part of my pledge to sponsor a locker.


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Sample Photos

Here are some photos I printed up for a customer last night! Satisfaction guaranteed!





You will be hard pressed to find these kind of quality shots and quality photos other places. The Majority of the autograph shows have some bad and sometimes poor quality photos (mass produced cheaply) for sale among few quality stuff. Why not get something worthwhile at a MORE THAN FAIR price that will LOOK GOOD! I PROMISE YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED! Many sizes to choose from up to 20x30! You will also be helping my pledge to the WHAC Renovations in sponsoring a locker as all proceeds will fund that pledge. You can view all the other photos here: http://www.shutterfly.com/pro/foreveryoungimages/OSUFB2005


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Ok I should give this guy his due respect and create a separate post but I don’t want to create more work for the Mods. I ordered some Buckeye Football photos from our very own Hawaiianbuckeye, which I received in the mail today. These things are even better than I expected. I’ve been collecting Buckeye Autographs for about four or five years now. I’ve had the opportunity to see a lot of different photos from a lot of different photographers. With all due respect to them, these are hands down the best I’ve seen. I happened to order (among others) “The Catch” photo with Gonzo and it looks great. Limited edition and perfect for framing. I know what a lot of you are thinking, but HAYN is not putting me up to this at all. I found BP because I was looking for unique Buckeye photos to purchase. I’m happy to say I don’t need to look any longer. Seriously, if there are any promoters out there you need to get a hold of this guy for your autograph shows. Do yourself a favor and buy some photos you’ll be happy you did. The proceeds go towards HAYN’s goal of sponsoring a locker for the new WHAC Renovations. Not too mention this guy is a Buckeye Football Alumni. You get a photo of a current Buckeye taken by a past one.

Thanks again HAYN. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
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These things are even better than I expected. I’ve been collecting Buckeye Autographs for about four or five years now. I’ve had the opportunity to see a lot of different photos from a lot of different photographers. With all due respect to them, these are hands down the best I’ve seen. I happened to order (among others) “The Catch” photo with Gonzo and it looks great. Limited edition and perfect for framing. I know what a lot of you are thinking, but HAYN is not putting me up to this at all. I found BP because I was looking for unique Buckeye photos to purchase. I’m happy to say I don’t need to look any longer.
LOL! Thanks OSU2002N.Champs! I'm glad you like them so much. I aim to please and to be THE BEST! I noticed in my post above ^^^^ I said that nobody would be disappointed and I meant that. All I can say is; now you know why I love printing my photos. It's like a new FRANKENSTEIN every time! Once again, thanks for your support and enjoy the photos!


PS Mili is "sponsoring" me beers for that comment^^...isn't tonight Ladies Night or some shit at The Shack??? :biggrin:
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I've been a BPer for a while now. I think I am fairly well respected in the forum, and played college ball myself at Ohio Northern and Capital Universities. I say this because I've seen great photographs, having been the subject of one of the best photos I've ever seen. During my stint, I played DT, and there was a game we played against Hiram in a mud bowl at Bernlohr. For some God-unforsaken reason, we went to OT with them in 1997. The game went back and forth through regulation, and I had an enormous and game changing sack to send the game to OT. A good friend of mine saw a picture in a local Max and Erma's that I had no idea existed. Covered in mud, the picture showed that sack with (at the time) a 260 lb. man flying through the air to make that memorable play. Now, I may be biased, but that picture was so awesome because of the situation and the demonstration of pure football through mud and grit. To the point...
These pics (especially "The Catch") will go into my playroom as some of my most cherished pieces. The only piece I'd rather have was the one I could never get at M&E. These pictures are worth much more. I am so excited to get these framed. I spent an extremely reasonable amount of money for photos that I am positive will receive amazing attention from friends and family due to the originality and tremendous quality of such great athletes. I feel very fortunate we have a BPer here that is this talented and offers those products for a very fair price. What I may have spent on 5 photos would have gone for triple at our local memorabilia shops. What's even better is that the money is going to a Korey Stringer locker at the WHAC. Sincerely- thanks, Scotty.
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while i dont have the money to buy any photos yet i plant to in the future once i get the funding to do so(yea im a poor college kid:biggrin: )but i think its great that we do have some of the best quality pictures money can buy through buckeyeplanet and going towards a worthy cause so keep up the great work. i am definitely looking forward to buying some items in the future when i get a sufficient amount of funding to do so(have tuition/house to pay for)
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