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Buckeye Code Of Conduct


Everybody is somebody else's weirdo.
This came to me in an email today, any additions?

Buckeye Code Of Conduct

These Rules should be strictly adhered to:
1. Never agree to get married on a Saturday Ohio State is scheduled to play football. There are typically 40 other freakin' weekends to choose from...make her/him choose one of those!
2. Never attend a wedding during an Ohio State football game unless you carry a TV......and watch it even during the ceremony.
3. It is OK to wear an OSU football jersey even when old....and
fat....and bald. Extra points if you've got an OSU baseball cap on backwards.
4. Always, and I mean ALWAYS, return any "O...H" with a hearty "I...O." This is true even during funerals, in foreign countries or when witnessing the birth of your child.
5. When Notre Dame plays Michigan, it is mandatory to despise both teams. There are no winners.
6. You despise the following teams, in order: Michigan, ND, USC, Miami (that's Florida), and Bama
7. It is OK to be emotional (and even "tear" up) during the following:
- Script Ohio
- Your child's first Buckeye game
- Carmen Ohio
- During a Tressel speech
- Listening to "I Wanna Go Back"
- Remembering Woody
- After beating Michigan
- Winning the National Championship
- When NFL Buckeyes state on MNF that they are from "THE" Ohio State University.
- Hearing the phrase, "Rest easy Woody, the new man has arrived."
- Ramp entrance
8. It is not cool to make fun of the Neutron Man. Especially now that he is watching games with Woody.
9. Buckeye necklaces must be worn at all times on game day from the time you leave your place of abode until you return. One other thing:
10. Always take off your hat during Carmen Ohio and physically remove the hats of anyone in your vicinity who fails to do so.
11. Never listen to Brett Musberger or Keith Jackson on TV. It's okay to watch the game while listening to 1460 on the radio.
12. Everyone should rush the field after an OSU home victory over Michigan at least once in their lifetime. (Extra kudos for those of you who rushed the field at IU and tore down THEIR goalposts a few years ago...c'mon you know who you are!).
13. Attending Skull Session is mandatory at least once each season.
14. ESPN employees must be verbally taunted at every opportunity.
15. We must all thank God that Dr. Gee is the current president of OSU since the last one didn't have a clue.
16. When you die, you must have at least one item of Buckeye memorabilia with you. (Specify which one in your will, that way your spouse won't pick something stupid).
17. You must be willing to die to defend your right to drink beer during tailgates.
18. You are forbidden to fall for the National Media crap sandwich that Joe Pa is still a "good guy." In reality, he is a bitter, senile old man reduced to a cheerleader and referee-baitor.
19. Recruiting must be followed as intensely as any game. This is true even if it puts your job/career at risk.
20. Attend the Spring Game. It makes it easier to survive the summer.
21. When in church, it is not sacrilegious to count being a Buckeye as one of your blessings.
22. Try to never boo a former or current Buckeye football player.
23. When making fun of guys in marching bands always caveat your comments with a statement that, regardless of what you just said, anyone in TBDBITL is very cool.
24. It is ok to state that secretly, you wished you played sousaphone and could dot the "i." You'd even be
willing to put on a few dozen pounds to look the part.
25. You would not trade the opportunity to swill beer while listening to The Danger Brothers after an OSU victory over Michigan for tickets to any rock Band that has ever existed.
26. It is important to consider the "good old days" ARE NOW. Enjoy them even when OSU doesn't win the NC.
27. Drinking alcohol before 9:00 A.M. is, at best, immature, and likely, a sign of a serious problem? except on game day.
28. It is never ok to talk to a stranger at the urinal next to you unless he is dressed in OSU garb. That said, the topic should be limited to Buckeye football.
29. There are no bad seats in the Shoe.
30. If you attend a game at Wisconsin, you must never engage in "Jump Around" at the end of the third quarter no matter how tempting. Also, never, and I mean never, take your kids to a Wisconsin game unless you want to explain why everyone there is a drunken jerk.
31. If your spouse asks you what was the greatest night of your life, admit the truth that it was January 3, 2003.
32. Plant a Buckeye tree in your yard.
33. Hang a Buckeye flag on game day. If any of your neighbors counter with a Michigan flag, it is your solemn duty to tear it down and deface it anyway you see fit.
34. It is "ok" to not get the drum major thing; it is "not ok" to fail to cheer when the plume touches the field.
35. In honor of Woody, the principle of "paying forward" should be practiced at all times by all Buckeyes.

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ScriptOhio;1211592; said:
24. It is ok to state that secretly, you wished you played tuba and could dot the "i." You'd even be
willing to put on a few dozen pounds to look the part.

I know it's not your list, but come on every Buckeye should know it's the sousaphone. Shame on the creator of the list. Will let it slide though, as the rest of the list is pretty money.
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ImFrigginFly;1211600; said:
I know it's not your list, but come on every Buckeye should know it's the sousaphone. Shame on the creator of the list. Will let it slide though, as the rest of the list is pretty money.

Good point, I'll correct it.

Those FrigginFlies don't miss anything...:biggrin:
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The last time I almost got married again my fiancee actually attempted to schedule the wedding for the third Saturday in November. This was no accident. She was a child trapped in a woman's body. The problem was, the wrapping looked awfully good so I got sucked in further than any sane man would've allowed to happen.

She was prone to testing me in silly ways, seeing how much she could get away with and treating my like dirt the next 2-3 days if I didn't respond as she had hoped. Thankfully, I snapped to my senses and ran like hell before making a huge mistake.

I ended up spending that third Saturday in November in the Shoe, watching us beat the shit out of scUM. Best decision I ever made. :biggrin:
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Very, very solid list.

I would add:

- Whether home or away, it is necessary to yell for the several seconds preceding an OSU kickoff.

- Never, ever express doubts about the Buckeyes to non-Buckeyes (simliar to The Godfather's directive to Sonny: "Never tell anyone outside of the family what you are thinking").

- It is "ok" to recognize the historic Woody-Bo rivalry and mutual respect; it is "not ok" to recognize the same thing in any other coaches.

- All Buckeyes should travel to either a bowl game or one of the super out-of-conference games in their lifetime. This requirement should be treated with the same reverence as Muslims taking the hajj to Mecca.

- Whenever possible, it is necessary to remind scUMmers that Hart, Henne, Long, et al went 0-4.

- Buckeye fans should be able to approximate the number of days since scUM beat tOSU by a margin of no more than +/- 3 days (its at 1704 now). Bookmark this page for help: BuckeyeXtra - The Columbus Dispatch : Home Page

- The term "SEC speed" is one to be mocked.

- It is appropriate to adopt the term "Zookered" for any seemingly dishonest occurence (e.g. "I was clearly the next in line for a promotion, but I got zookered by the boss' son-in-law...").

- Charlie Weiss' unfluctuating morbid obesity should be mocked ad nauseum.

- A sweater vest can be considered "formal wear."
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- if you are a parent it is a must that you take your offspring to the 'shoe and try and get down on the field at least once.

(had my 8 year old on the horseshoe grass when he was 17 months and he still remembers that. we snuck in during july. the pics still look great)
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-it IS OK-and indeed recommended to listen Brent Musberger call Buckeye games-he did call "Holy Buckeye", after all

-Karen Holbrook is to be regarded in the same light as Benedict Arnold, John Wilkes Booth, Mohammed Atta, and anyone who thought Prohibition was a swell idea

-the "Woody" Block O cap is to be regarded as sacred garb

-"Hang On Sloopy" is to be judged the best work of music ever produced in the 1960's
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Continue to insist the SEC isn't that great in football, despite the fact that OSU has yet to beat a team from that conference in a bowl game.

Riducule those who believe academics are more important than the football team

Be hypersenstive to the words of internet columnists who dare suggest that OSU isn't the greatest team of all time.

Support every OSU alumni in the NFL, except those who dare to insult the university by forgetting to say "THE" before "Ohio State University"
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mstevmac;1211611; said:
It is your goal to be hoarse before the game starts when attending the OSU/UM game

I'm actually careful not to overdo it before The Game, so that I can be as loud as possible whenever TSUN is getting ready to snap the ball.
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