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via our good friends at Buckeye Battle Cry
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It is never a pleasing moment to report on anything that you never wanted. But this becomes the moment in which dictates this piece. In Rockford, IL Saturday November 14th The Ohio State University Men’s Rugby Club lost to Indiana University in the BTU Championship match 34-14.

The match began in a tightly battled adventure. The Buckeyes controlled the forwards while Indiana managed successfully on the outside. The evidence of this was the 14-14 halftime score.

The 2nd began when Indiana won a lineout and mauled the ball out of trouble. Jake Hidalgo ran through the OSU defense in a dash that produced the go-ahead try. Their conversion attempt would be good. Not far behind this score an added penalty suddenly had the Hoosiers up by ten.

Indiana’s Captain Bryce Campbell deservingly should receive recognition on a well fought match.

The Buckeyes though can be proud. In this match tries were scored by both Scott Freitag and Matt Stauder. Ryan Skelly unfortunately would get hurt and not return. The League’s leading try scorer, JoJo Eramo, would get hurt as well but remained in the game.

There is, though, always a silver lining.

The Buckeyes, all season, improved each week. They started against Pitt with a powerful statement, only to be sidestepped against Bowling Green. But once in BIG 10 play the Buckeyes rolled. Even in the tie against Defending BTU Champions Wisconsin the Buckeyes overwhelmed, defensively, against a notable and good team.

The Defensive prowess of the Buckeyes shined against TTUN. In what could have easily resulted in a loss in the final minutes. But the Buckeyes buckled down and won that game in the trenches the old fashioned way – smash-mouth rugby.

I have enjoyed following this group of tough-in-your-face Buckeyes all season. They have completely solidified my love of rugby. The beginning of the season saw the 2nd Team in the BTU Championship the year before come out starting off where they left off. Their hunger and exhibition of superiority was on display each weekend. These Buckeyes were a complete joy to watch and follow.

We at Buckeye Nation sometimes take for granted our world-class athletes – somehow seeing it as an inherent right to be blessed with such great talent. What we seemingly ignore is the dedication that comes with such tremendous talent. This group of young men fit that mold perfectly.

Let us as Buckeye Nation say thank you to: Eight Man Santino Cua (Captain); Scrumhalf Taylor Hurff; Wing JoJo Eramo; Fullback Ronan Forestal; Flanker Matt Stauder; Flanker Cory Harmon; Prop Kyle O’Donnell; Lock Jake Berlin; Lock Jack Bengel; Hooker Luke Fay; Prop Nick Mihalitsas; Outside Center Mike Matthews; Inside Center Ryan Skelly; Flyhalf Ian Hildebrandt; Wing Jack Walsh; Prop Nate Allen; Prop Kevin Fessemeyer; Lock Nate Grosse

You guys gave us a wonderful Rugby season and more than enough to cheer about.

I certainly look forward to next season. I will be around and watching.
I want to take a moment to thank Wes Campbell a member of the coaching staff of this fantastic Buckeye team. Wes has been exceptional in his help which allowed me to get this information out to the readers of The Buckeye Battle Cry on both a timely and effective manner. Wes in the realm of his busy schedule always had time for me. I appreciate that greatly. Thank you.

And in conclusion, we are Buckeye Nation, so we do want to express our sincere congratulations to Indiana University and their Men’s Rugby Club. Go handle Kutztown in the ACRC Bowl Series. Big 10 Rugby is the best.

The post BTU CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL: IU 34 OSU 14 appeared first on The Buckeye Battle Cry: Ohio State News and Commentary.

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