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I give up. This board is too hard to understand.
I'm using IE 6.0 here at work and I can not get Hotmail, Gmail or Yahoo Mail to come up. I have no problems with any other pages or sites except for these free email services.

Ideas? :tongue2:
first of all... you have to stop leading the triple agent life... I mean... assuming you have a work email... that gives you at least FOUR email accts... so your life is too complicated already...

Is it that you cannot get into the master sites .. i.e. hotmail.com, yahoo.com or can't get into your mailbox on those sites?

can you get into them with any other software (Modzilla or Netscape)?

can you get into your email at home? then it could be a work firewall issue
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Gmail is mine and hotmail/yahoo are for other people (we share this computer but I have it most of the time) :lol:

I can't get to the mailboxes on the sites... hotmail and yahoo I can get to the login page page but gmail I can't even get there.

IE is the only browser I have on this computer... I don't want to download another if I don't have to.

I can get to my email at home and on other computers that are here on the network... this is the only one I'm having problems with.
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I defer to the gurus... but sounds like it is a cookie issue... and privacy setting... as to the level you have the machine set at

Within IE:
Internet Options
Privacy tab

that's my guess
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