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LGHL Browns waive Terrelle Pryor in a shocker

Luke Zimmermann

Browns waive Terrelle Pryor in a shocker
Luke Zimmermann
via our friends at Land-Grant Holy Land
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Well that was unexpected to say the least.

Less than a week after making the 53 man roster at wide receiver, the Cleveland Browns have parted ways with former Ohio State quarterback Terrelle Pryor. The reasoning for the change of heart isn't immediately known.

Though Pryor was a work-in-progress at wide receiver, a position he moved full time to after unsuccessful stints with the Cincinnati Bengals and Kansas City Chiefs at QB, the idea had been that that Cleveland would find a way to utilize him in designed packages (think Wildcat) as he grew into the wide receiver position.

There'd been some murmurs in recent weeks that the Browns' decision to keep Pryor and dump more lunchpail type Josh Lenz was unpopular in the locker room. Fellow former Buckeye Brian Hartline, long rumored to be at odds with Pryor, even tweeted in what may have been a subtle undermining of the organization's decision.

NFL insider Jason LaCanfora experts there to be interest from other teams in the still rather green wide receiver.

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