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Boudreaux's Butt Paste


Ok saw the corndog thread on LSU Fans....but someone has to be able to do something with this & photoshop

Boudreaux's Butt Paste, MissLou Internet team up online | Sales from AllBusiness.com

Boudreaux's Butt Paste is a diaper cream that is also favored by athletes at Louisiana State University (LSU) and elsewhere to prevent chafing. The product has been featured in People magazine and on ESPN. Jay Leno mentioned Butt Paste on "The Tonight Show," and ESPN joked that it was the LSU Tigers' secret weapon in winning the 2003 NCAA national championship in football. "It is fantastic for chafing," said company founder George Boudreaux, "Guys this big and hot, they get chafed.

Boudreaux's Butt Paste .:. www.buttpaste.com
LSU Football 1 pictures from college sports photos on webshots

If inspiration is needed I'm sure the one of the Arkansas fark boards can provide...
abuckeye15;1017671; said:
Ok saw the corndog thread on LSU Fans....but someone has to be able to do something with this & photoshop

Boudreaux's Butt Paste, MissLou Internet team up online | Sales from AllBusiness.com

Boudreaux's Butt Paste is a diaper cream that is also favored by athletes at Louisiana State University (LSU) and elsewhere to prevent chafing. The product has been featured in People magazine and on ESPN. Jay Leno mentioned Butt Paste on "The Tonight Show," and ESPN joked that it was the LSU Tigers' secret weapon in winning the 2003 NCAA national championship in football. "It is fantastic for chafing," said company founder George Boudreaux, "Guys this big and hot, they get chafed.

Boudreaux's Butt Paste .:. www.buttpaste.com
LSU Football 1 pictures from college sports photos on webshots

If inspiration is needed I'm sure the one of the Arkansas fark boards can provide...

Oh yeah Cher! If it wasn't for Boudreaux's Butt Paste, my Scout troop would never make it through summer camp. Every year we tell new scouts that they have to take daily showers, and every year some shy kids don't. When you start to see them do the John Wayne walk, and know it's time to give 'em the Butt Paste.:biggrin:
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Gatorubet;1017735; said:
Oh yeah Cher! If it wasn't for Boudreaux's Butt Paste, my Scout troop would never make it through summer camp. Every year we tell new scouts that they have to take daily showers, and every year some shy kids don't. When you start to see them do the John Wayne walk, and know it's time to give 'em the Butt Paste.:biggrin:

damn, don't they understand the "no smelly kid" rule?
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