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Blue Screen of Death (screen saver)

I agreed with your statement to start with...but I got over it after a bit. Man, I was just thinking I haven't seen the real blue screen for awhile...(not that I ever want to see it on my personal computer unless it's that screensaver).
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we have a user here that takes his laptop home all the time, last winter he left it in his car all weekend, brought it in and it tossed up the bsod until it got warm enough to work, its still running like a champ today...scary
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we have a user here that takes his laptop home all the time, last winter he left it in his car all weekend, brought it in and it tossed up the bsod until it got warm enough to work, its still running like a champ today...scary

I did that with my laptop once. It actually fired right up at 30 degrees. I didn't even think about it until it was too late. Amazingly it worked fine.
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