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tBBC Block O Radio Show 10/12/15: Maryland Recap, Controversy, PSU Predictions

Joe Dexter

Block O Radio Show 10/12/15: Maryland Recap, Controversy, PSU Predictions
Joe Dexter
via our good friends at Buckeye Battle Cry
Visit their fantastic blog and read the full article (and so much more) here


The Block O Radio Show is back for it’s second installment today as host Hayden Wetmore is joined by his new co-host Brandon Held to discuss the Buckeyes at length after a win against Maryland on Saturday.

Brandon and Hayden talk about the controversy behind this team even when they win, how they thought the Buckeyes looked against the Terps, ponder if Ohio State is last year’s Florida State and take a sneak peek at the Penn State Nittany Lions, who travel to Ohio Stadium Saturday night.

To Listen to this week’s episode, click play below. To download the show, click here.


The post Block O Radio Show 10/12/15: Maryland Recap, Controversy, PSU Predictions appeared first on The Buckeye Battle Cry: Ohio State News and Commentary.

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