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Google Big Ten Week 2 bowl projections: Buckeyes still playoff favorites - ESPN (blog)

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Big Ten Week 2 bowl projections: Buckeyes still playoff favorites - ESPN (blog)
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Big Ten Week 2 bowl projections: Buckeyes still playoff favorites
ESPN (blog)
Another week of games brought us more data and chances to judge all the Big Ten teams. It's still preposterously early to try and sort out what it all means for the league's bowl lineup. But that doesn't mean it's not fun, so we're going to try. Not a ...
Buckeyes Lose Some Votes, Still Number 110TV
Could Big Ten get greedy, send Spartans & Buckeyes to playoff?FOXSports.com
Best Bets: Buckeyes can name their score; Spartans have a tough oneCBSSports.com
Lansing State Journal -Steelers Lounge (blog)
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