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BTN Big Ten Player Rankings: Ezekiel Elliott remains on top

  • Thread starter Sean Merriman, BTN.com
  • Start date

Sean Merriman, BTN.com

Big Ten Player Rankings: Ezekiel Elliott remains on top
Sean Merriman, BTN.com web editor via Big Ten Network

If you are a fan of running backs, you will enjoy this week’s edition of Big Ten Player Rankings. Week 6 of the Big Ten football season was filled with some outstanding individual performances, and many of them came from the top backs in the conference. How did that change our list? It’s time for BTN senior writer Tom Dienhart and web editor Sean Merriman to release their updated Big Ten Player Rankings. Enjoy. TOM DIENHART 1. Ezekiel Elliott, RB, Ohio State. The guy is an efficient machine who grinds out 100-yard games like McDonald’s grinds out hamburgers. His 835

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