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BTN Big Ten Bowl Projections: Nine Big Ten teams land on Jerry Palm’s list

  • Thread starter Tom Dienhart, BTN.com
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Tom Dienhart, BTN.com

Big Ten Bowl Projections: Nine Big Ten teams land on Jerry Palm’s list
Tom Dienhart, BTN.com Senior Writer via Big Ten Network

Yes, we just celebrated Labor Day. But, it’s never too early to think about bowl season, right? Right. For that, let’s check-in with Jerry Palm of CBSSports.com, the best in the galaxy when it comes to stuff like this. [ MORE: Best of Week 1 | Week 1 picks revisited | Power rankings | What Tom Dienhart learned ] Palm has Ohio State as the No. 1 seed in the four-team playoff. Big shock, huh? The Buckeyes are playing No. 4 Clemson in the Orange Bowl. The Tigers, of course, beat OSU in this venue after the 2013 season, one

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