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BTN Big Ten announces preseason All-Big Ten men’s hoops team

  • Thread starter Sean Merriman, BTN.com
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Sean Merriman, BTN.com

Big Ten announces preseason All-Big Ten men’s hoops team
Sean Merriman, BTN.com web editor via Big Ten Network

Maryland’s Melo Trimble has been chosen as the Big Ten Preseason Player of the Year heading into the 2015-16 men’s basketball season. [ MORE: BTN.com’s preseason hoops predictions & All-Big Ten team ] Trimble was a unanimous selection to the preseason All-Big Ten team, along with Michigan State’s Denzel Valentine, Purdue’s A.J. Hammons and Wisconsin’s Nigel Hayes. Indiana’s James Blackmon Jr., and Yogi Ferrell, Iowa’s Jarrod Uthoff, Maryland’s Jake Layman, Michigan’s Caris LeVert and Wisconsin’s Bronson Koenig also earned preseason All-Big Ten plaudits. Trimble was named a first-team All-Big Ten honoree by the media contingent last season, and was a

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