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BTN Best of Week 6: Northwestern at Michigan headlines Big Ten action

  • Thread starter Tom Dienhart, BTN.com
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Tom Dienhart, BTN.com

Best of Week 6: Northwestern at Michigan headlines Big Ten action
Tom Dienhart, BTN.com Senior Writer via Big Ten Network

This is the first week of full-scale Big Ten action, with seven conference games. And the headliner is Northwestern at Michigan. But there are other enticing clashes. Wisconsin at Nebraska is a meeting of desperate teams. Nebraska is 1-3 vs. the Badgers since joining the Big Ten. And the Huskers often have lost in spectacular fashion, falling 48-17 in Madison in 2011; 70-31 in the 2012 Big Ten title game; 59-24 last year in Madison. This will be a clash between first-year coaches in the Huskers’ Mike Riley vs. the Badgers’ Paul Chryst, who also happen to be good buddies.

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