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Best current $200 DVD Recorder ?


Your Cousin In New Mexxico
I'm looking for a $200 DVD Recorder? The Pioneer DVR 233-s looks good right now.
Any other suggestions? Or experience with the Pioneer DVR 233-s?
Anyone recording whole games on one DVD? How is the quality? :biggrin:
I already have a DVR, so I just bought a DVD Recorder by itself.

Where I work (RadioShack) we have one that's regularly $129.99, but has a $50 MIR on it. I got 30% off the original price with my employee discount, so after the MIR it netted to under $50. Even at the full price though, it's at the level quality and feature-wise of the $200 ones, it's smaller, and cheaper. I've been using it for a couple weeks now, and it's great.

Anyway, that's a good deal if anyone out there is looking.
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