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BTN B1G in Coaches Poll: Ohio State drops to No. 2, five others rise

BTN.com staff

B1G in Coaches Poll: Ohio State drops to No. 2, five others rise
BTN.com staff via Big Ten Network

This week’s Coaches Football Poll came out Sunday and there was a significant amount of movement among the six Big Ten teams ranked. Ohio State dropped to No. 2, Iowa moved to No. 6 from No. 8, Michigan State jumped up to No. 9 from No. 14, Michigan climbed to No. 13 from No. 15, while Wisconsin (previously No. 22) and Northwestern (previously No. 24) checked in at No. 20 and No. 21 respectively. [ MORE: Big Ten scoreboard | Big Ten standings | Big Ten stats | Highlights on YouTube | Week 11 Grades & Stock Report | Weekly

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